May 8, 2011

Place) Skydiving

Hi, how are you everyone :)

As you know, today is mother's day.
Because I live in homestay, I bought flowers for my homestay mom. Also, I send flowers to my parents  and had a good time on the skype keke.
I miss them so much and always appriciate that they allow me to come here for my English and memories!! 
Let's say "Thank you" to mom today ;-D

Today, I'd like to introduce "Skydiving". 
I went skydiving this weekend, and it was one of the best moment in my life.
Most of people afraid  and hesitate to try it like i did. I have had even fear of height and sometimes have felt dizzy when I go high building. My friends wanted to do skydiving and ask me go together.
At first time, I hesitated to try skidiving because of fear of height and safety. However I decided to try it because nowadays I have wandered and thought a lot about my ego, so I wanted to do brave challenge.

I did skydiving at SKYDIVE ELSINORE.
It takes 1 hour from UCR  extension.

As you can see, there have one instructor and one camera man for first jumper. Most of people choose this "Tandem package" including video. 

Tandem special : $189
+Video&Photos: $279

It is not that cheap price, but valuable!
And from second time, it cost cheaper and cheaper.

This is me when i was flying on the sky. The weather was nice and condition was also good!! 

Can you see how am i happy? I felt a sense of accomplishment. It haven't felt this feeling before.
After i did, I felt i can do everything whatever it is hard or not.
That's the why I recommand this challenge XD

I hope you guys try this someday !


  1. I love it so much. I'd like to try it in the future

  2. Ooowww Sammi.It is amazing. You are really very brave girl.What is the feeling to fly like a bird in the sky? May be you will never forget this experience. While I was reading your story I felt adrenaline in my body, because one day I also want to try to jump with a parachute from an airplane. Only the thought about it make me feel myself wonderful.

    Thank you that you share your unforgettable moment with us and you gave enough information for people who want to try it.

    Good job, Sammi.

  3. wow!! sammie~~ I want to try it too!! haha
